TEEN TECH: Stage Makeup Design

Teens: 12-17 (limited space)



Sat, Feb 1, 8, 15, 22, 9am-12:30pm

From Broadway makeup designs in shows like Wicked, Cats, Lion King, and Cabaret, to famous film and television makeup designs that whisk us to another time and place, makeup completes an actor’s transformation and enhances the audience experience.

Each Saturday this February, GMT's Teen Tech program explores makeup design and theatrical application techniques utilized in live stage performance. But the creativity and skill-building doesn't stop there! We are offering a special add-on for two weeks in March, where we will venture into areas of television and film makeup. 

Teen Tech: Stage Makeup Design focuses on the artistry of designing characters and the hands-on industry techniques and skills to bring those characters to life. From natural and glamour looks, to fantasy, gore, non-human and old age makeup, each of the four Saturday sessions will explore design and application.

Taught by professionals in the industry, sessions will include fundamentals of makeup creation through inspirational collage, face charts and makeup plots, and experimentation with pro tools and supplies of the trade. Participants will become familiar with designing on face charts, translating it to makeup products and applying to the face. Participants will receive digital photos of their final makeups for a mini portfolio, and will also keep their makeup supply kit. All designs will be applied by each individual on their own face.

The TV & Film Makeup Add-on (March 1 & 8) will focus on the introductory elements of television and film makeup! Participants who elect to join the add-on weeks will cover professional techniques used on set. This includes basic applications to special effects makeup designed for the camera. This add-on package is not available as a stand-alone program.

Limited Spaces Available. Tuition Assistance Available.

GMT Theatre Education is supported in part by the Yeardley Smith Foundation & Nancy and Steve Carell. 

For questions or more information, please email education@garrymarshalltheatre.org