Get your eco-freindly, one-of-a-kind, custom bags made from GMT banners! For your $113 donation, you are supporting our nonprofit and owning a piece of GMT history.
Those who make their online donation, will be mailed a one-of-a-kind bag, selected at random, for an additional shipping of $20. In-person donations will have the option of selecting a bag (no two are alike) and will walk out of the GMT lobby with a bag in your hands. These custom Banner Bags have been created from the last five years of GMT banners boasting show and event artwork. These beautiful Banner Bags are made of recycled material and put the GMT legacy right into your hands (literally). We think they are “totes amazing!” Bags are a large 21 inches wide, fully lined, with a zippered compartment and a custom GMT logo tag.
Tax deductible amount is $58.
If you’d like to talk with us about making a donation, sponsorship or how to get involved, contact us.